Scientific experience

Our Story

LAJOIE SKIN (pronounced La-ZHWAH SKIN) this is our story.

Equipped with over 80 years combined scientific experience in product development, we believe in solving real skin issues and not making false promises.
Our products are Australian researched, developed and manufactured.  Using pharmaceutical-grade ingredients.
Our silky soft, long-lasting Calmmé cream soothes chafing, rashes, saddles sores and blisters. Our customers discovered that Calmmé helped protect and soothe their eczema prone skin too.
We’re here to help handle your skin challenges whatever your age.

Trusted safe skincare LAJOIE SKIN

Calmmé anti-chafe and soothing cream

LAJOIE SKIN was launched with the flagship product, Calmmé (pronounced Karm/AY).  Calmmé is the result of  3.5 years research in development both in Australia and internationally. Testing included athletes in marathon races both on land and in the sea and everyday people just going about their business.

Every single one of us experiences challenges in life.
As the skin is the largest organ in the body, there is a high chance that at some point in our lives, we will experience a skin related problem. 


Our inspiration to create LAJOIE SKIN was to solve real skin issues. Skin challenges that are experienced in everyday life, as well as when the skin is under stress, like when you are competing in sport or when exercising.

This issue of chafing, skin inflammation and skin sensitivities was something that plagued our founder Daphne’s, diabetic mother.

Working both nationally and internationally for multinational giants in product development, Daphne could not find a solution to stop the vicious cycle that her mother was in.

The cycle of skin tears, infection, steroid creams had to stop! 

Above all, from experience, Daphne knew that her mother was not the only one to be plagued with the dreaded chafe.

Don’t let anyone tell you that chafing, rash or any other skin sensitivities are anything other than normal and in fact common.

Skin issues are normal and common.

Chafe prone skin 

You’re in the midst of a marathon, or on a holiday site sighing the last thing that you want to experience is chafing. Chafing can affect anyone of any size and at any age.

Some people with sensitive skin are prone to skin tears, rashes, blisters and others are prone to eczema or acne. This is all normal and ok.