Keep Calmmé Celeste Barber talks chafing! 

When a celebrity like Celeste Barber chats about chafing, the topic becomes a whole lot funnier and with laughter comes light relief and a solution.

What does Calmmé have in Common with Tom Ford?

Celeste Barber of course!

The day that Celeste gave us a ‘shout out’ was the same day that she pashed Tom Ford in a skit. It was super exciting to watch Celeste apply Calmmé in between her thighs.

A hot day in New York and our Aussie girl Celeste was on fire.

Authenticity is the key 

I loved reading Celeste’s book ‘Challenge Accepted’, as it was an entertaining blend of funny and raw emotion.  Celeste was very candid about the various challenges she has faced in her life.

Like Celeste, no one is immune to being challenged. So when someone is brave enough, authentic enough to share and even see the funny side, we all get to laugh. Above all, laughter is the best thing that you could do for your health.

Comedians base their career on being authentic, just like some brands. Likewise, behind the brand or company are human beings with their own individual core values.

So when human beings are challenged, it is their core values that are being tested.

Challenged Conquered

As a start up business and especially one that involves manufacturing in Australia, we were faced with many challenges.  We are constantly tested  due to our core values.  In this case, our strong stance on what type of ingredients we use was especially difficult.

Our refusal to touch palm oil was nearly a deal breaker, but we did not cave in.  You see what you read on a package, may not necessarily be the truth. Many hidden nasties are hidden behind other names. For example, an ingredient like stearic acid can be derived from palm oil, but on the packaging it reads ‘stearic acid’.

The stearic acid that we use is derived from coconut oil and thus our challenge was conquered.  No palm oil or palm oil derived ingredients are used in our formulae and all our ingredient are sustainably and ethically sourced.

A surprise win

Nothing beats a plug from a much loved celebrity.  Especially when the plug, is a surprise! Unsponsored and not paid for advertising is the ultimate win and the type of reward  that makes all the hard work worthwhile.

Consequently, we will be eternally grateful to Celeste Barber for supporting our startup business, LAJOIE SKIN and the Australian researched, developed and manufactured Calmmé antichafe and soothing cream.

To conclude, she did it again.

Enjoy the skin you’re in.

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