International Women’s Day bloody great cause

International Women's Day and Calmme anti-chafing

International Women’s Day and a bloody great cause!

Everyday should be International Women’s Day (IWD).  Or at the very least we should aim to make each day count, equally for everyone.

Empowerment through inclusivity

Throughout social media today there is a strong push for ‘diversity acceptance‘. Diversity acceptance is the bear minimum. Diversity acceptance is passive like tolerance.

Our goal should be inclusivity, which is more than just ‘acceptance’. Inclusivity it based on positive action, whereby you proactively go out of your way to ensure that everyone you encounter is embraced. Having the emotional intelligence to empathise and respect those around you.

The campaign theme for International Women’s Day in 2018 was #PressforProgress.

This years theme is #BalanceforBetter, let’s build a gender balanced world.


Individually, we are one drop and together we’re an ocean. Don’t mistake the change that one drop can make.  One consistent drop can erode a stone wall.  Similar to a tidal wave, we can speed up the process of change, if we collectively commit to a “gender parity mindset”.  Via progressive and unified action we can make a change for #BalanceforBetter.


A bloody great cause – Blood cancer research trials

Headed by Dr Judith Trotman, is the world-leading blood cancer clinical trials at Concord Hospital. Dr Trotman and her team do an incredible job in what is a very important field of research and treatment for blood cancer patients. Dr Trotman’s passion and commitment is admirable and contagious.  As a consequence, we have been supporting the ‘bloody great cause’ in various ways.


Daphne Kapetas

Nassibian Dancers

From performing at a Bloody Great Night, helping raise funds to sponsoring gift bags for a breakfast event on IWD 

This years IWD, we will be celebrating our local women, whilst we raise funds.






International Womens Day and Concord Hospital

Daphne Kapetas and Dr Judith Trotman

Most noteworthy, all proceeds of this years event, Breakfast by the Bay, go towards the world-leading, blood cancer clinical trials at Concord Cancer Centre, Concord Hospital.

Raising funds for a bloody great cause whilst rubbing shoulders with some of the world’s passionate and caring women.

Now that’s what I call JOY.

Enjoy the skin you’re in.