
Skate Australia their journey to the World Roller Games

The yellow and green, Skate Australia pants with the Calmme protect the skin you're in logo.

Roller derby an inclusive sport

Roller derby is one of the fastest growing sports globally.   Historically a female focused sport, roller derby has seen an increase in participation from both men and those that do not sit within the man/women gender binary. Those minorities groups that are often isolated from other sports or communities are included in the game of roller derby.

No judgment on size and shape of your body.  Roller derby is not limited by the inaction of mere acceptance of diversity, they are actively inclusive.

As long as you are brave enough to participate in a full-contact sport, you have the endurance, mental and physical strength then this is the sport for you. Being able to skate also helps … unlike me!

Memories of a time long ago

Firstly, when I think roller derby, I think roller skates, skate boards and Spain. Spain because this is where I got my first roller skates (RED) and my brother got his first skate board.

Roller Skates Spain

Skating in Barcelona 1977


Don’t be fooled by this photograph … I could barely stand let alone skate!

It’s not every day that you get asked to be a team sponsor for Skate Australia .

We are super proud to be part of this inclusive sport and to be  part of their journey to the World Roller Games in Spain.

So many years have past and our connection to roller skates and Spain has come full circle once again.

Warriors unite – Skate Australia and Calmmé

After the initial flash back to childhood memories .. I then think, roller derby is the sport of warriors. Roller derby is certainly not for the faint hearted.

Calmmé anti-chafing and soothing cream was not developed for anything but, to be a cream for warriors!

All that skating, thighs rubbing and arms gliding against your torso, can increase the chances of chafing or rash. Therefore, Calmmé  has been supplied to the athletes to help prevent chafing from occurring in the first instance. In the event that Calmmé was not applied to prevent chafing, then Calmmé can be applied to help soothe chafing too.

It’s all about Collaboration

The lovely Brenda from BeKeane Healthy & Fit was in charge of preparing the uniforms for the Skate Australia team and she felt that LAJOIE SKIN and Calmmé would be perfectly aligned in sponsoring the team. It was a collaboration made in heaven.

As the team prepares via hours of hard core training, pattern makers and designers visualise and then place their ideas into patterns.

It is incredibly exciting watching people do their thing. We are all gifted in some way and we all need each other in order for us to achieve our own personal goals and ultimately to be happy.


Calmmé antichafing cream roller derby Australian team shortsSkate Australia Calmme antichafing

Core values

As a result of aligned core values, amazing things can only be accomplished by any team.

From getting a team performing to their maximum capacity, or developing a cream to do what it claims or forming an alliance of sponsors, it’s your core values that count. Your core values are what separates people, brands and companies.

Above all,  our core values are what unite and bind people to each other, no matter what.

Skate Australia Calmmé

From left to right. Daphne (LAJOIE SKIN) Hayley (Skate Australia) Brenda (BeKeane Healthy & Fit)

Finally, looking forward to living vicariously through Skate Australia as they take on international teams next week in Spain. Wishing you every bit of success, as you all deserve it and more.

Enjoy the skin you’re in.